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    JTS Optimax Activated-char Field Test

    Mini Tomato Growth Comparison

    • Advantages of using JTS Optimax Activated-char noted by independent third-party tester:
    • Good drainage effect, improve soil water retention, marked increased in harvest and sweetness of produce.
    • Have a high buffering capacity, by retaining soil nutrients and prevent excessive absorption of nitrogen, that may slow down growth and fruiting of crops.
    • Improve fertilizer application ability, water permeability and air permeability.
    • Promote effective beneficial microbial growth with porous structure
    • Field Test Summary
    • The test site is located at Japan. 2. Cultivation field test using mini tomato "Aiko" red and yellow varieties. Two plots of land in a 6M × 70 M greenhouse used for comparison
    Mini Tomato Growth Comparison
    Two plots of land used, one applied with Activated-char, fertilizer applied equally for both.
    Mini Tomato Growth Comparison
    JTS Optimax Activated-char applied: beautiful leaves and many fruits formed.
    Mini Tomato Growth Comparison
    JTS Optimax Activated-char applied: more fruits produced, faster ripening and colouring. Sweetness level at 7.5, higher than Control.

    Existing Durian Plantation (Tangkak) Case Study

    • Test site located at a Durian Plantation in Johor.
    • >40 years of durian farming, soil quality has gone down.
    • A number of trees infected with Kanker Batang (Phytophthora Palmivora).
    • Healthy seedlings after 3 months Activated-char trial.
    • Healthy tall plant after 4 months.
    • Farmer commented that this plant will be taller than him after 1-2 months.
    • He commented plant and soil results are beautiful.
    • Because the Activated-char was added around the plants, the root growth was limited to small area, should disperse Activated-char in a wider area.
    • Farmer commented that the biochar and fertilizer have blended into the soil, giving a deeper color.
    • However the root growth is not very wide due to radial trenching.
    Existing Durian Plantation (Tangkak) Case Study
    Activated-char applied in radial trench, Oct 2019
    Existing Durian Plantation (Tangkak) Case Study
    Healthy seedlings after 3 months Activated-char trial.
    Existing Durian Plantation (Tangkak) Case Study
    Activated-char and fertilizer blended into the soil, giving a deeper color.

    New Durian plantation Case Study

    • Test site located at a new Durian plantation in Johor.
    • Soil was previously used for Oil Palm planting, soil quality was well rested and maintained.
    • Nursery seedlings were planted with/without Activated-char.
    New Durian plantation (Kahang) Case Study
    New Durian plantation (Kahang) Case Study
    New Durian plantation (Kahang) Case Study
    Durian Plantation surrounded by Oil Palm Plantation.   Activated-char delivered on 4th July 2019. Nursery seedlings delivered on 4th July 2019 (provided by plantation owner) .
    New Durian plantation (Kahang) Case Study
    New Durian plantation (Kahang) Case Study
    New Durian plantation (Kahang) Case Study
    Activated-char applied on selected seedlings 27th July 2019.

      Seedlings on 01/03/2020, applied with Activated-char grew larger than those without application as shown.